I referred this Documentation
For how to config DB connection on Talend. In the documentation mentioned, MySQL JDBC Connector is used to connect the MySQL DB to Talend. In my case, I need to connect with Cassandra JDBC Connector is used to connect the Cassandra DB to Talend, and the connection is also established successfully. The documentation mentioned when we right-click on the database connection it will show the popup menu. The pop-menu shows the retrieve schema option. This option is used to show the table. But when I right-click on the DB connection it's not showing a pop-menu on the Talend Open Studio. How to fix this issue.
I suspect the problem is that you're using the wrong JDBC driver although I'm unable to confirm that since you didn't actually say which one you're using.
You will need to download the Simba JDBC Driver for Apache Cassandra from DataStax Downloads in order to connect to a Cassandra cluster. Then you'll need to install the driver on to your Talend.
I don't have the detailed steps for doing that but I've previously written instructions for connecting clients like Pentaho Data Integration and DBeaver to Astra DB which is a Cassandra-as-a-service. The instructions for those should give you an idea of how to configure Talend. Cheers!