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How to align text of Tkinter ttk widgets to the top? Resp. how to prevent the text from moving after rescaling?

Everytime I rescale my window, the text starts to "move to the bottom" of the widget. How can I stop this behaviour? Here are 2 screenshots:

This is how it is not supposed to look like: the text moves to the bottom wehn the font becomes smaller

I want the smaller font to be aligned as in this example with the initial font size (12) This is the desired behaviour with smaller font


import tkinter as tk 
import tkinter.font as tkFont
from tkinter import ttk

class MWE():
    def __init__(self, window):
        self.master = window
        self.mainframe = tk.Frame(self.master)
        self.master.bind('<Configure>', self.font_resize) 
        self.customFont = tkFont.Font(family="Helevicta", size=12)
        self.combobox = ttk.Combobox(self.mainframe, values=('This text vanishes...', 1,2,3),  font=self.customFont)
        self.combobox.grid(row=0, column=0)
        self.label = ttk.Label(self.mainframe, text='The label text not', font=self.customFont)
        self.label.grid(row=0, column=1)
    def font_resize(self, event):
        if self.mainframe.winfo_height() != event.width or self.mainframe.winfo_width() != event.height:
            calc_size=(self.master.winfo_height()*1e-5*self.master.winfo_width())+1 # some random formula to compute a font size dependent on the window's size
            self.customFont['size'] = int_size



(I reposted this question because I forgot to include a MWE originally...)


  • I don't know why the ttk.Label adjusts automatically whenever the tkFont.Font's size is changed, but the tkk.Combobox doesn't. Fortunately a fairly simple workaround for that anomaly is to update the font option of the combobox manually whenever the font is changed.

    Off-topic: When you bind '<Configure>' events to a root or toplevel window, it's also automatically bound to every widget it contains. This means that your font_resize() (renamed on_resize() below) method is unnecessarily being called multiple times when the window is resized — mostly harmless in this case but still redundant and a waste of processor time. To minimize any potential impact it might be having, I've also modified the beginning of the callback method so it filters-out these extraneous calls and prevents the rest of the method's code from executing.

    import tkinter as tk
    import tkinter.font as tkFont
    from tkinter import ttk
    class MWE():
        def __init__(self, window):
            self.master = window
            self.master.bind('<Configure>', self.on_resize)
            self.mainframe = tk.Frame(self.master)
            self.customFont = tkFont.Font(family="Helevicta", size=12)
            self.combobox = ttk.Combobox(self.mainframe,
                                         values=('This text vanishes...', 1, 2, 3),
            self.combobox.grid(row=0, column=0)
            self.label = ttk.Label(self.mainframe, text='The label text not',
            self.label.grid(row=0, column=1)
        def on_resize(self, event):
            if (event.widget == self.master and  # Ignore calls for children. ADDED.
                (self.master.winfo_height() != event.width
                 or self.master.winfo_width() != event.height)
                # Compute window size dependent font size.
                calc_size = event.height * 1e-5 * event.width + 1
                self.customFont['size'] = int(calc_size)
                self.combobox['font'] = self.customFont  # ADDED.