This all started because I tried to open a very large file by right clicking on a text file and then selecting "edit with notepad++". Since then I have removed and reinstalled. I have followed the steps in ( but when I put the items listed in steps 2 and 3.. it tells me that they are not valid commands. At the moment, If I open it it says, "not responding" and stays that way indefinitely. Any ideas as to get this operational?
Uninstalling probably is not clearing out the program's entry in AppData. Go to C:\Users[YourUser]\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++ and you might be okay with just removing the session.txt file (this appears to be the file that tells NotePad++ which files you had open). If that doesn't work delete everything here then try on a fresh install.
Edit: Also your commands are probably not recognized as valid because notepad++ is not in your PATH variable. Try opening a command prompt in the same folder as notepad++'s exe THEN running them from there