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Prolog - Find the depth of an element in a binary tree

I would like to know how I can find the depth of a given element E in a binary tree. For simplicity, the tree has no repeated elements.
I tried:

ElemDepth(E,t(E,T1,T2), D).
ElemDepth(E,t(M,T1,T2), D):- D1 is D+1, ElemDepth(E,T1, D1).
ElemDepth(E,t(M,T1,T2), D):- D1 is D+1, ElemDepth(E,T2, D1).

but it does not seem to work.


  • Given a binary tree where

    • The empty tree is denoted by the atom nil, and
    • A non-empty tree is represented as a t/3 structure:
      t( Data, Left_Subtree, Right_Subtree)

    We can walk it easily:

    visit( t(_,L,_) , P ) :- visit(L,P). % visit the left subtree, then
    visit( t(P,_,_) , P ) .              % visit the current tree node, then
    visit( t(_,_,R) , P ) :- visit(R,P). % visit the right subtree

    And visiting each node whilst computing the depth of the nodes is similarly easy. We just move the actual traversal logic into a helper predicate that carries with it the extra bit of state to count depth as it goes.

    visit(T,P,D) :- visit(T,0,P,D) .
    visit( t(_,L,_) , N, P, D ) :- N1 is N+1, visit(L,N1,P,D) .
    visit( t(P,_,_) , D, P, D ) .
    visit( t(_,_,R) , N, P, D ) :- N1 is N+1, visit(R,N1,P,D) .