The sample of the dataset I am working on:
# Creating the DataFrame
test =sqlContext.createDataFrame([(1,2),(2,1),
And it looks like this after grouping the equivalent items in lists:
teste = spark.sql("""select cod_item,
collect_list(alter_cod) as alternative_item
from teste
group by cod_item""")
In the first column, I have certain items and in the second column, I have items that are equivalent. I would like, for each list, to have only one item that represents it.
I would like the final dataframe to look like this:
Where the items on the right are the items representing their respective equivalent items.
After collect_list
, you should filter out rows where any alter_cod is bigger than cod_item. This method would work on strings too.
test = (test
.filter(F.forall('alter_cod', lambda x: x > F.col('cod_item')))
# +--------+---------+
# |cod_item|alter_cod|
# +--------+---------+
# | 1| [2, 3]|
# | 4| [5]|
# +--------+---------+
Or add one line to your SQL:
select cod_item,
collect_list(alter_cod) as alternative_item
from teste
group by cod_item
having forall(alternative_item, x -> x > cod_item)