I'm using the XMLReader class from http://troybrant.net/blog/,
it parsea an xml into an NSDictionary, for example :
NSString *myxml=@"< students od=\"ii\">< student>< name>Raju< /name>< age>25< /age>< address>abcd< /address>< /student>< /students>";
NSDictionary *dict = [XMLReader dictionaryForXMLString:myxml error:nil];
gives me an NSDictionary like:
students =
"@od" = ii;
student =
address = abcd;
age = 25;
name = Raju;
I can perfectly extract any of these parameters except for the attributes. Can someone tell me how to get the value of 'od'?
i resolved th problem,actually i had to create a new NSDictionary :
NSDictionary *str = [students valueForKey:@"@od"];
EDIT : i resolved th problem,actually i had to create a new NSDictionary :
NSDictionary *str = [students valueForKey:@"@od"];