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Perl Moose, How to initialize a instance attribute that is Hash

What I am tring to do is the following:

I am writing a perl Moose Class and I want ot have a class attribute that is an Hash and is initialized to default values upon building.

My attempt:

has sweep_prop_configuration => (
    isa => 'Hash',
    reader => 'sweep_prop_configuration',
    writer => '_sweep_prop_configuration',
    builder => '_build_sweep_prop_configuration',
    predicate => 'has_sweep_prop_configuration',

sub _build_sweep_prop_configuration {
  my $self = shift;
  my %hash;
  return %hash;

I am new to Moose and perl in general, excuse me if I missed something in the documentation.


  • Moose doesn't define Hash as a type (see Moose::Manual::Types).

    It defines HashRef, though. In order to use it, change the builder's last line to

    return \%hash

    and change the type constraint to

    isa => 'HashRef',

    It still defines an instance attribute, not a class attribute. To define class attributes, use MooseX::ClassAttribute.