Hi everyone I have some troubles with Flutter FormBuilderDateTimePicker
My problem is that when I set the value manually (with a keyboard not using graphical draggable 'arrows' offered by the widget) I get the validation error every time the hour value is between 12 and 00.
For example, if I set 12:30 the value will be accepted, but if I change the hour to 16:30 it will display a validation error message. Below you can find a graphical representation of my case.
Here is how I set my FormBuilderTimePicker
name: 'fieldname',
initialValue: DateTime.now(),
initialDate: DateTime.now(),
initialEntryMode: DatePickerEntryMode.input,
alwaysUse24HourFormat: true,
onChanged: (value) => mayValue = ,
format: DateFormat.yMMMMd('it_IT').add_Hm(),
timePickerInitialEntryMode: TimePickerEntryMode.input,
The other input type is working fine, but I would like to keep them both
On flutter_form_builder: ^7.3.1
source code, alwaysUse24HourFormat
has not being used. As matias-de-andrea mention on git issue which is still open.
To make it work, they override the transitionBuilder
in order to provide 24h format on showTimePicker
transitionBuilder: (BuildContext context, Widget? child) {
return MediaQuery(
data: MediaQuery.of(context)
.copyWith(alwaysUse24HourFormat: true),
child: child!,
You can check How to use 24 hour clock when invoking showTimePicker() in Flutter? and they've discussed more about this.