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For a DynamoDB item, how can i append a list which is a value of a key only if the element is not exists in that list?

I have an item in DynamoDB that has a key which has values as a list. I want to append that list with new elements, only if they are not already exists in that list. I don't want to duplicate any element in that list. Item's structure is like below:

 "username": "blabla",
 "my_list": ["element1","element2"]

I use boto3 library in Python and this is my code block for the update:

response = my_table.update_item(
    Key = {
        'username': "blabla"
    UpdateExpression="SET my_list = list_append(my_list, :i)",
        ':i': ["element1"],

I tried to use if_not_exist() in UpdateExpression but always got syntax errors. How can i properly achieve this goal? Thank you.


  • You should not use a list you need to use a String Set like defined as datatype here:

    For adding values to a Set you need to use ADD UpdateOperation like described here

    According to this you can change your code like

     "username": "blabla",
     "my_list": set(["element1","element2"])
    # ---
    response = my_table.update_item(
        Key = {
            'username': "blabla"
        UpdateExpression="ADD my_list :i",
            ':i': set(["element1"]),

    This answer shows howto remove items from the set again