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PowerBI - Conditional Column exact match

I have a column below 'Action' which I want to derive two conditional columns from 'Informal' and 'Formal'. If there is an informal in the Action column then I want a 'Y' in the Informal column and likewise if there is a formal then 'Y' in Formal column.

Using PowerQuery with the following I obtained those columns with this:

Table.AddColumn(#"Filtered Rows", "Informal", each if Text.Contains([#"Action"], "informal") then "Y" else if Text.Contains([#"Action"], "Informal") then "Y" else null)


Table.AddColumn(#"Added Conditional Column1", "Formal", each if Text.Contains([#"Action"], "formal") then "Y" else if Text.Contains([#"Action"], "Formal") then "Y" else null)

However as seen there is duplication of the two columns as formal is in informal. How would I do an exact match (not case sensitive) in the PowerQuery environment. Desired table below example table.


Action Informal Formal
Informal discussion Y Y
formal counselling with formal warning Y
formal counselling and formal warning Y
Welfare check. Informal meeting. Y Y
Informal counselling and mediation Y Y
formal counselling second formal warning Y
Informal Counselling Y Y
Formal counselling - formal warning pending mitigations Y
Formal meeting, pending mitigations a formal warning Y
formal counselling + formal warning. Informal counselling for 2 other respondents pending involvement. Y Y

Desired table:

Action Informal Formal
Informal discussion Y
formal counselling with formal warning Y
formal counselling and formal warning Y
Welfare check. Informal meeting. Y
Informal counselling and mediation Y
formal counselling second formal warning Y
Informal Counselling Y
Formal counselling - formal warning pending mitigations Y
Formal meeting, pending mitigations a formal warning Y
formal counselling + formal warning. Informal counselling for 2 other respondents pending involvement. Y Y


  • I assume that if Informal is Y then Formal has to be null so why not set the formula for Formal to be

    = if [Informal] ="Y" then null else "Y"