I want to convert an image RGB dataset to Grayscale dataset using pillow
. I want to write a script that takes in the dataset path and converts all images one by one into grayscale. At the end I want to save this script, and want to run this script on the server to avoid the copying of huge data to the server.
Probably this code would work for you?
import os
from PIL import Image
dir = '/content/pizza_steak/test/pizza'
for i in range(len(os.listdir(dir))):
# directory where images are stored
dir = '/content/pizza_steak/test/steak'
# get the file name
file_name = os.listdir(dir)[i]
# creating a final path
final_path = dir + '/' + file_name
# convet and save the image
# uncomment this is you want to delete the file
# os.remove(final_path)