I'm beginner in coding and I am working on some easy leetcode questions along the way. The question is converting roman numerals to integers and when I run this code, it says the "string index out of range". Rather than looking for other answers, I wanted to understand what I did wrong. I appreciate the help!
roman_dict = {
'C' : 100,
'L' : 50,
'X' : 10,
"V" : 5,
"I" : 1
temp = 0
for i in range(len(s)):
if roman_dict[s[i]] > roman_dict[s[i+1]] and i + 1 < len(s): #string index out of range
temp = temp - roman_dict[s[i]]
temp = temp + roman_dict[s[i]]
You just have to swap the order of the conditionals:
if roman_dict[s[i]] > roman_dict[s[i+1]] and i + 1 < len(s):
if i + 1 < len(s) and roman_dict[s[i]] > roman_dict[s[i+1]]:
This makes it so that the boundary check is done before attempting to access the i+1
index. Python will short-circuit the condition as soon as i + 1 >= len(s)
is true