im up to write background processing web service using php that need to run in background even user closed the browser is there any way to do this using php ?
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Yes im working on large web project (pay roll) using symfony/php. it needs to process in every month when payroll user comes and click the process button. then payroll should process without apache server time out. for do that i hope to wirte asynchronous web service that run in background.
As commentor said, you should use a CRON job as it's best suited for this kind of problems. However, you need to launch your job on the click of a user. Here is what I'd use:
- On the click of a user, create a row in some table, or create a file
with needed parameter to execute the task. Basically it says to the
CRON 'hey, you need to launch the task'.
- Setup a CRON job to look after that row/file every minute, and
launch the task if the row/file is found. Delete the file before
launching the task, or parallels tasks could happen.
- If you need to tell your user when the payroll is done, make the
task create another row/file to show that the CRON ended, and with
javascript refresh your user page every 30s/1min, and stop the
automatic refresh when the new row/file is found, and display the
appropriate output/notice message.