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Facing Unknown error (0x80005000) while adding the user t LDAP in C#

I am facing Unknown error (0x80005000) while adding user to LDAP server(Apache), the following is my code. Could anyone please let me know where I am doing mistake.

namespace TestMethods
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var ldi = new LdapDirectoryIdentifier("localhost", 10389);
            AddUser("username", "o=Company");
        public static void AddUser(string username, string group)
                DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new 
                DirectoryEntry("LDAP://localhost:10389,o=Company" + group);
                Console.WriteLine("Added to the path");// Working 
                dirEntry.Invoke("Add", new object[] { username });//Received Exception here
                Console.WriteLine("Added to the path");
            catch(Exception e)


  • I believe you should use a / to separate the server name from the DN in your path:


    The constructor of DirectoryEntry doesn't make any network requests, so your path isn't validated until you actually use it.

    However, if you are not using Active Directory, then I don't think Invoke will work for you. The description of DirectoryEntry.Invoke says:

    Calls a method on the native Active Directory Domain Services object.

    Even then, I'm not sure which Add method you're trying to use.

    The way to create a new object using DirectoryEntry is like this (assuming dirEntry is pointing to a path where it can be created):

    var newUser = dirEntry.Children.Add($"uid={username}", "inetOrgPerson");
    // Set other attributes like this:
    // newUser.Properties["someAttribute"].Value = "something";
    //Save - this is where the object is actually created

    I've never used Apache's LDAP server (I know AD better), so you may have to edit the schema ("inetOrgPerson") if you need to.