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How does the Delphi 2009 compiler handle recursive inline methods?

Do "What's wrong with using inline functions" and "Can a recursive function be inline" apply to Delphi inline functions? Furthermore, does anyone know how recursive inline functions are handled in Delphi?


  • My guess is probably not since inline is only a suggestion, but lets find out.

    A simple recursive factorial routine:

    function Factorial(const aNum: cardinal): cardinal;
      if aNum > 1 then
        Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
        Result := 1;

    Here is the disassembly of the call to it:

    // fact := Factorial(5);
    mov eax,$00000005
    call Factorial
    mov ebx,eax

    And the disassembly of the routine itself:

    // 9: begin
    push ebx
    mov ebx,eax
    // 10: if aNum > 1 then
    cmp ebx,$01
    jbe $0040ab30
    // 11: Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
    mov eax,ebx
    dec eax
    call Factorial
    imul ebx
    pop ebx
    // 13: Result := 1;
    0040ab30: mov eax,$00000001
    // 14: end;
    pop ebx

    Now we make it inline and see what is different in the call:

    // 21: fact := Factorial(5);
    mov eax,$00000005
    call Factorial
    mov ebx,eax

    And the routine itself:

    // 9: begin
    push ebx
    mov ebx,eax
    // 10: if aNum > 1 then
    cmp ebx,$01
    jbe $0040ab30
    // 11: Result := Factorial(aNum - 1) * aNum
    mov eax,ebx
    dec eax
    call Factorial
    imul ebx
    pop ebx
    // 13: Result := 1;
    0040ab30: mov eax,$00000001
    // 14: end;
    pop ebx

    And they both appear the same to me, so I am going to stick with my original hypothesis and say they are not supported.

    BTW: this is in Delphi 2009.