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Stable Baselines3 PPO() - how to change clip_range parameter during training?

I want to gradually decrease the clip_range (epsilon, exploration vs. exploitation parameter) throughout training in my PPO model.

I have tried to simply run "model.clip_range = new_value", but this doesn't work.

In the docs here , it says "clip_range (Union[float, Callable[[float], float]]) – Clipping parameter, it can be a function of the current progress remaining (from 1 to 0)."

Does anyone know how to actually change this parameter during training, or how to input "a function of the current progress remaining"?


  • I've solved the issue.

    You need to have a slightly funky setup where a function outputs another function. At this link , they give the following example:

    def linear_schedule(initial_value):
        Linear learning rate schedule.
        :param initial_value: (float or str)
        :return: (function)
        if isinstance(initial_value, str):
            initial_value = float(initial_value)
        def func(progress):
            Progress will decrease from 1 (beginning) to 0
            :param progress: (float)
            :return: (float)
            return progress * initial_value
        return func

    So essentially, what you have to do is write a function, myscheduler(), which doesn't necessarily need inputs, and you need the output of that function to be another function which has "progress" (measured from 1 to 0 as training goes on) to be the only input. That "progress" value will be passed to the function by PPO itself. So, I suppose the "under the hood" order of events is something like:

    1. Your learning_rate scheduling function is called
    2. Your learning_rate scheduling function outputs a function which takes progress as input
    3. SB3's PPO (or other algorithm) input its current progress into that function
    4. Function outputs necessary learning_rate, and the model grabs it and goes with that output.

    In my case, I wrote something like this:

    def lrsched():
      def reallr(progress):
        lr = 0.003
        if progress < 0.85:
          lr = 0.0005
        if progress < 0.66:
          lr = 0.00025
        if progress < 0.33:
          lr = 0.0001
        return lr
      return reallr

    Then, you use that function in the following way:

    model = PPO(...learning_rate=lrsched())