I'm facing problem to render my events on calendar, my Vuex is working fine (I think).
I can log my events in console.log and check in Vue DevTools.
Any advice to render on calender after I create in Vuex?
methods: {
handleDateClick(arg) {
/* Get click event data */
/* Get event data in store */
this.$store.commit("addEvent", {
id: new Date().getTime(),
title: "Some event",
start: arg.dateStr,
allDay: arg.allDay,
computed: {
Calendar component:
<Fullcalendar :options="calendarPlugins" :header="headerToolbar">
<template #eventContent="{ timeText, event }">
<b>{{ timeText }}</b>
<i>{{ event.title }}</i>
Print of console and Vue DevTools: https://prnt.sc/2MzjMVmFSffT
I'm getting all data I need, but still not rendering on calendar...
Edit: full code https://github.com/lucaspmarra/fullcalendar-test
Since I can't see the full code example I can only guess, that you did not define a getter as followed:
events: (state) => state.events,
If you want to compute the state, change your code to
computed: {
Hope I could help!