I have a YOLOV5 model that uses object detection to solve captchas. It returns a list in the format:
<object-class> <x> <y> <width> <height> <confidence>
and for every class detection.
['7l', 0.19, '0.443182', '0.104895', '0.431818', '0.972055'],
['4l', 0.33, '0.534091', '0.104895', '0.431818', '0.965045'],
['5l', 0.6, '0.238636', '0.118881', '0.431818', '0.974508'],
['9l', 0.92, '0.659091', '0.104895', '0.409091', '0.879532'],
['0l', 0.93, '0.659091', '0.0979021', '0.363636', '0.651053']
As you can see, the classes 9l and 0l have the same x value meaning the model has two answers for one object.
How can I split this list into two possible lists like:
7l 4l 5l 9l
7l 4l 5l 0l
First you can convert data to dictionary
{'0.443182': ['7l'], '0.534091': ['4l'], '0.238636': ['5l'], '0.659091': ['9l', '0l']}
Next get only values
[['7l'], ['4l'], ['5l'], ['9l', '0l']]
And finally use itertools.product(['7l'], ['4l'], ['5l'], ['9l', '0l'])
to generate
('7l', '4l', '5l', '9l')
('7l', '4l', '5l', '0l')
Full working code.
Because standard dictionary doesn't have to keep order so I use OrderedDict()
import collections
import itertools
data = [[
['7l', 0.19, '0.443182', '0.104895', '0.431818', '0.972055'],
['4l', 0.33, '0.534091', '0.104895', '0.431818', '0.965045'],
['5l', 0.6, '0.238636', '0.118881', '0.431818', '0.974508'],
['9l', 0.92, '0.659091', '0.104895', '0.409091', '0.879532'],
['0l', 0.93, '0.659091', '0.0979021', '0.363636', '0.651053']
#converted = {}
converted = collections.OrderedDict()
for item in data[0]:
class_ = item[0]
x = item[2]
#if x not in converted:
# converted[x] = []
converted.setdefault(x, []).append(class_)
print('converted:', converted)
values = list(converted.values())
print('values:', values)
products = list(itertools.product(*values))
print('products:', products)
for item in products:
print('item:', "".join(item))
converted: OrderedDict([('0.443182', ['7l']), ('0.534091', ['4l']), ('0.238636', ['5l']), ('0.659091', ['9l', '0l'])])
values: [['7l'], ['4l'], ['5l'], ['9l', '0l']]
products: [('7l', '4l', '5l', '9l'), ('7l', '4l', '5l', '0l')]
item: 7l4l5l9l
item: 7l4l5l0l