I have a .net application running in a docker container via docker compose. I'm using a Windows machine with Docker Desktop running Linux containers.
The application connects to a Cosmos instance. The account key is set to the emulator key by default.
Here is the section from docker-compose.yml
container_name: mycustomerapi
image: acr.io/customer-api:master
- "20102:80"
- CosmosOptions__Endpoint=${endpoint}
- CosmosOptions__DisableSsl=true
If I override the account key and endpoint, I can get the application to connect using a real instance hosted in Azure, but I can't get it to connect to the emulator running on the host machine.
I've tried setting ${endpoint} to the following values with no luck;
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Connection refused (
.I've also tried using network_mode: host
with both endpoints.
System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: No route to host (
I needed to run Cosmos with AllowNetworkAccess
This answer shows how to start the emualtor with the /AllowNetworkAccess argument.
Azure Cosmos DB Emulator on a Local Area Network
Once that was running I was able to use https://host.docker.internal:8081/ and the container sprung to life!