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How to to get Image file metadata from it's path

I want to upload a image file from Reactjs which is in my project folder ("../assets.cover.png") without using input, when I'm trying import cover from "../assets.cover.png" it's giving me file path but what I need is file metadata to upload it.

Basically my final intention is to upload that image file and calculate user upload speed.


  • I was able to resolve it after reading after reading this documentation

    import cover from "../assets/cover.png"; // importing img file
    let blob = await fetch(cover).then((r) => r.blob()); //creating blob object
    const file = new File([blob], "cover.png", {
      type: "image/png",
    // output
    // {
    //   lastModified: 1656486792733
    //   lastModifiedDate: Wed Jun 29 2022 12:43:12 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) {}
    //   name: "cover.png"
    //   size: 1446458
    //   type: "image/png"
    //   webkitRelativePath: ""
    // }