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Expressing Church Numerals with Boost.Bind

Church numerals can be expressed in C++0x (C++11?) using the new lambda parts of the language using something like this:

typedef function<int(int)> F;
static const F id = [=](int x) { return x; };

function<F(F)> church(unsigned int i)
  if(i == 0) {
    return [=] (F f) { return id; };

  return [=] (F f) {
    F tmp = [=](int x) { return f(church(i-1)(f)(x)); };
    return tmp;

Is it possible to express Church numerals using Boost.Bind and C++03? If so, how?


  • Ok, I don't know anything about church numerals, and I haven't actually tested this code, but something like this should work :)


    // forward
    boost::function<F (F)> church(unsigned int i);
    typedef boost::function<int (int)> F;
    int idFunc(int x)
      return x;
    static const F id = boost::bind(&idFunc, _1);
    F ChurchFunc0(F f)
      return id;
    int ChurchFuncInner(F f, int i, int x)
      return f(church(i - 1)(f)(x));
    F ChurchFunc(F f, int i)
      return boost::bind(&ChurchFuncInner, f, i, _1);
    boost::function<F (F)> church(unsigned int i)
      if (i == 0)
        return boost::bind(&ChurchFunc0, _1);
      return boost::bind(&ChurchFunc, _1, i);