In order to avoid CSV injection (e.g. = at start of field) - still happens in CSV if opened in Excel
Is there a way in DBT to apply a transformation to each and every column.
I found a solution base on my research. This is perfectly fit base on my requirements as describe @tconbeer.
This DBT macro will remove all special characters that are possibly use in CSV injection attacks like '=','@','-','+'. See
Here is my solution:
{% macro sanitize_csv(value_to_sanitize) -%}
dbt_utils.replace(value_to_sanitize,"'='", "''"),
"'+'", "''"),
"'-'", "''"),
"'@'", "''")
{%- endmacro %}
For me this is a bit cleaner than using case when
like suggested by @tconbeer. I don't know if its faster though but for me its good solution for now.