I have a form that display group of options for an item. User select the required number of options and I validate the selected options in the script.
The form :
<form name="optionsform" on:submit|preventDefault={()=>collectoptions(itemid, itemprice, itemname, itemdescription, variationname, variationprice)}>
{#if option['rules'] == "exactly"}
{#each option.optiongroupitems as optionitem, index}
<li style="list-style : none;">
<input type="checkbox" class={option.groupheader} bind:group={values.exactly} value={optionitem.name} on:click={()=> Validateexactly(option.rulesnumber.number, option.groupheader, optionitem.name)} >
{optionitem.name} : {optionitem.price}
<button type="submit" >Add To cart</button>
In my script, function validateexactly() :
function Validateexactly(limit, groupheader, name) {
let getexactlygroup = `${groupheader}`
console.log("this is logging corrertly the option group name :", getexactlygroup)
exactlylimit = limit
var checks = document.querySelectorAll(".getexactlygroup"); // how do I reference option.groupheader correctly?
checks.forEach((item, index)=>{
console.log("showing empty list array ", item)
for (var i = 0; i < checks.length; i++)
checks[i].onclick = selectiveCheck;
function selectiveCheck (event) {
var checkedChecks = document.querySelectorAll('.getexactlygroup'[type="checkbox"]:checked');//showing errors that selector is invalid selector.
if (checkedChecks.length >= exactlylimit + 1){
return false;
My question how to reference the class with the {option.groupheader} in the form, how to reference that in my script using querySelectorAll?
The reason I need it to reference that is because the option groups is coming from the db and I don't have control over the db and there are more than one option group for each item. So I thought to group them by option group name or I can reference the group id which is like big string (62b52ed4f7a2ed2a506db0b1) and I'm not sure if I can reference that in my script using the querySelectorAll. Unless there is another way to group options and get the checked one using different method.
I see the way I organized it as simple if I can figure out how to reference the option.groupheader in my script correctly.
My question is : How to reference the class={option.groupheader} in my script to get all checked input with that class and access its length?
is a variable, have a look at Template literals (Template strings)
var checks = document.querySelectorAll(`.${getexactlygroup}`);
(If you have a look at the answer of your last question, it's in there too)