I have been so frustrated to count the number of clients who made conversion or not in the 3 single categories (app, desktop, web) scenarios and the rest of the overlapping categories (app & Web, app & desktop, web & desktop, app & web & desktop) scenarios. Here is the sample dataset I am working on.
I could figure out the single category count with the aggregate and group_by function in r, however, I can't really figure out how to work on the overlap categories.
Really really thanks so much if someone could help me on this!!! Thanks!!!
df <- data.frame(list(ClientID = c("1", "1", "1", "2", "2", "3", "3" , "3" , "3" , "4" ),
device = c("App", "Web", "App", "Web", "Web", "App", "Desktop", "App", "App", "Web"),
conversion = c("0", "0", "0", "0", "1", "1", "0", "1", "0", "1")) )
Below is the desired outcome:
Scenario With Conversion Without Conversion
App & Web
App & Desktop
Web & Desktop
App & Desktop & Web
You can prepare a list of device combinations (i.e. all 7 possibilities), and then use setequal()
and unique()
in a helper function, like this
device_combinations = unlist(
sapply(1:3, \(i) combn(c("App", "Web" ,"Desktop"), i, simplify = F)),
recursive = F
(takes a list of devices, and indicates whether the unique list of devices meets each of the device combinations (it can meet at max one only, by using unique()
and setequal()
f <- function(d) sapply(device_combinations, \(ds) setequal(ds, unique(d)))
and ClientID
, unnest, count by conversion
and Scenario
and pivot to your desired wide formatdf %>%
group_by(conversion,ClientID) %>%
summarize(v = f(device), .groups="drop") %>%
unnest(v) %>%
conversion =if_else(conversion=="0", "Without Conversion", "With Conversion")
) %>%
group_by(Scenario, conversion) %>%
summarize(ct = sum(v), .groups="drop") %>%
pivot_wider(id_cols = Scenario, names_from = conversion,values_from = ct)
Scenario `With Conversion` `Without Conversion`
<chr> <int> <int>
1 App 1 0
2 App,Desktop 0 1
3 App,Web 0 1
4 App,Web,Desktop 0 0
5 Desktop 0 0
6 Web 2 1
7 Web,Desktop 0 0