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Error running sqlite data retrieve statement in Datalore with Python

This Python code for sqlite db fails in Datalore and I cant figure out why. The db is properly connected and other scripts are running.

gdpquery= '''SELECT  C.Country_Area, G.Year, I.Indicator G.Value FROM Countries C, GDP G, Indicators I
WHERE AND(C.CA_M49_Code = G.CA_M49_Code, G.Ind_No = I.Ind_No, G.Ind_Type_No = I.Ind_Type_No)'''

gdpdata = pd.read_sql_query(gdpquery, conn)



Traceback (most recent call last):

  at block 10, line 3

  at /opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/sql.pyline 436, in read_sql_query(sql, con, index_col, coerce_float, params, parse_dates, chunksize, dtype)

  at /opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/sql.pyline 2116, in read_query(self, sql, index_col, coerce_float, params, parse_dates, chunksize, dtype)

  at /opt/python/envs/default/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/io/sql.pyline 2068, in execute(self, *args, **kwargs)

DatabaseError: Execution failed on sql 'SELECT C.Country_Area, G.Year, I.Indicator G.Value FROM Countries C, GDP G, Indicators I WHERE AND(C.CA_M49_Code = G.CA_M49_Code, G.Ind_No = I.Ind_No, G.Ind_Type_No = I.Ind_Type_No)': near ".": syntax error

screenshot on retrying as per comments


  • This:

    WHERE AND(C.CA_M49_Code = G.CA_M49_Code, G.Ind_No = I.Ind_No, G.Ind_Type_No = I.Ind_Type_No)

    is not valid SQLite (or SQL in general) syntax.
    It should be:

    WHERE C.CA_M49_Code = G.CA_M49_Code AND G.Ind_No = I.Ind_No AND G.Ind_Type_No = I.Ind_Type_No

    But, the correct way to express your logic is with proper joins with ON clauses:

    SELECT C.Country_Area, G.Year, I.Indicator, G.Value 
    FROM Countries C 
    INNER JOIN GDP G ON C.CA_M49_Code = G.CA_M49_Code
    INNER JOIN Indicators I ON G.Ind_No = I.Ind_No AND G.Ind_Type_No = I.Ind_Type_No;