I have a dataframe like below:
ID Name R1 R2 R3
A1 c("Rob","Rob") 27 29 100
A2 c("Emil","Emil","Emil"). c("1000","26") c("70","26") c("100","80")
A3 c("Nick","Nick","Nick") c("123","26") c("567","80") c("93","80")
I also tried to generate it but couldn't be successful:
df<-tibble(ID=c("A1", "A2", "A3"),
Name=c(c("Rob","Rob") ,c("Emil","Emil","Emil"),c("Nick","Nick","Nick")),
R1=c(c("1000","26") , c("70","26") ,c("100","80")),
R2= c(c("123","26") , c("567","80") ,c("93","80")))
I want to take the max value in each row contaiagning multiple numeric values. So it should be like below:
ID Name R1 R2 R3
A1 "Rob" 27 29 100
A2 "Emil" 1000 70 100
A3 "Nick" 123 567 93
For unifying the Name column, I used the below code, but for numeric values I have no idea. Any suggestion?
df$Name<-lapply(df$Name, unique)
A data.table
> library(data.table)
> setDT(df)[, lapply(.SD, function(x) max(unlist(x))), ID]
ID Name R1 R2 R3
1: A1 Rob 1000 123 100
2: A2 Emil 70 567 100
3: A3 Nick 100 93 93