Suppose that I want to create a function to be used within dplyr::mutate()
, and in which I feed a variable name, and within the function, it will extract a particular pattern in the variable name given and create a new variable name out of it, like so:
myfun <- function(var) {
y <- str_remove(ensym(var), "^.*\\.")
other_var <- glue("Petal.{y}")
if_else(var > 6 | other_var > 3, 1, 0) # What rlang function do I need to apply to other_var here?
The problem I'm running into, is how do I use rlang tools to evaluate the new variable name "other_var" within the data frame, such that when I make the call below, it would look at the data within iris$Sepal.Length
and iris$Petal.Length
mutate(iris, test = myfun(Sepal.Length))
EDIT: The following solves my immediate problem, but I feel like there's a more elegant way:
myfun <- function(df, x) {
y <- str_remove(ensym(x), "^.*\\.")
other_var <- glue("Petal.{y}")
if_else(x > 6 | df[[other_var]] > 3, 0, 1)
mutate(iris, test = myfun(iris, Sepal.Length))
You can use the environment and call eval_tidy()
This uses caller_env(n = 1)
myfun <- function(var) {
.var <- enexpr(var)
var_name <- as_name(.var)
y <- str_remove(var_name, "^.*\\.")
other_var <- glue("Petal.{y}")
.expr <- parse_expr(glue("if_else({var_name} > 6 | {other_var} > 3, 1, 0)"))
eval_tidy(.expr, env = caller_env(n = 1))
This grabs the var
as a quosure and uses that environment, which could be useful if you had nested functions down from the original mutate call.
myfun <- function(var) {
.var <- enquo(var)
var_name <- as_name(.var)
y <- str_remove(var_name, "^.*\\.")
other_var <- glue("Petal.{y}")
.expr <- parse_expr(glue("if_else({var_name} > 6 | {other_var} > 3, 1, 0)"))
.quo <- new_quosure(.expr, quo_get_env(.var))