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Telegraf Data Collection - How to select specific Fields for input

The title is pretty much my question - I'm new to Telegraf and slowly getting to grips with how to run it and specify log files, archiving processes, etc etc.

One of the, IMO very simple, tasks I have is to specify the metrics collected. For example, only to collect CPU-busy per CPU ID. But when I run my basic config (telegraf --config telegraf.conf --once), it collects literally every field per the input requested.

Is there a way to tell Telegraf to only collect specific fields per the input? My Telegraf.conf CPU setup is as below:

  percpu = false
  totalcpu = true
  collect_cpu_time = false
  report_active = false
  core_tags = false

Cheers very much in advance, Vinny


  • Telegraf configuration provides support for metric-filtering. For your use case, you may try fieldpass or fielddrop whichever is useful.

    Short description about:

    fieldpass: An array of glob pattern strings. Only fields whose field key matches a pattern in this list are emitted.

    fielddrop: The inverse of fieldpass. Fields with a field key matching one of the patterns will be discarded from the point.

    I assume that by cpu busy, you mean the percentage consumption by user level processes. In that case, your configuration becomes:

      percpu = false
      totalcpu = true
      collect_cpu_time = false
      report_active = false
      core_tags = false
      fieldpass = ["usage_user"]

    The above configuration will output only the usage by user level processes.

    NOTE: By CPU busy, if you mean to collect system usage as well, add usage_system as well to the fieldpass array

    If you would like to report the sum of all non-idle CPU states, you need to set report_active = true in the above configuration. To report only the active usage (sum of all non-idle CPU states), pass the usage_active in the fieldpass array as fieldpass = ["usage_active"]

    If you wish to collect statistics of each cpu separately, set percpu = true