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How can I define a function in Lean prover? (In "A function is injective then has left inverse")

I want to prove the fact "A function is injective, then it has left-inverse." in Lean Prover.

As you know, in standard proof of this theorem, ( ), we should define a function which is defined by case-by-case form. But I think that there is no way to define case-by-case form function in lean prover.

How can I prove it in Lean Prover?


  • Use if...then...else to make a case by case definition.

    import tactic
    open function
    open_locale classical
    -- Theorem: if A is nonempty then an injective function from it
    -- has a one-sided inverse
    example (A B : Type) [inhabited A] (f : A → B) (hf : injective f) :
      ∃ g : B → A, g ∘ f = id :=
    -- Proof:
      -- define the function in the obvious way; it's the inverse on the image
      -- and a random element of A otherwise (works because A is inhabited)
      let g : B → A := λ b, if h : ∃ a, f a = b then h.some else arbitrary A,
      -- claim g works
      use g,
      -- let's take an arbitrary element a of A
      ext a,
      -- and let's note that there exists an element of a whose image
      -- under f is f(a), namely a itself!
      have ha : ∃ a' : A, f a' = f a := ⟨a, rfl⟩,
      -- Now unravel the definition of g and follow your nose.
      simp [g],
      -- We now need to prove that the "random" element g chose
      -- must be the a we started with, but how do we rule out lots of
      -- different a's mapping to the same b? We use injectivity of f.
      apply hf,
      -- and now we're done
      exact ha.some_spec,