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How does std::thread store variadic arguments passed through its constructor?

Let's say I declare a thread with the following code:

#include <thread>
#include <iostream>

void printStuff(const char* c, long x) {
   std::cout << x << " bottles of " << c << " on the wall\n";

int main()
   std::thread t(printStuff, "beer", 900000000);


How are the arguments printStuff, "beer," and 900000000 stored in the thread?

I know they are using a variadic template, where you first pass in a function and then a parameter pack of arguments. I am confused on how they forward all these template arguments, and then somehow call the inputted function with all the arguments when join or detach is called.

std::function has similar functionality where when you call std::bind it will store a function and its arguments inside the object, and then when you call the std::function object it will just execute the bound function with its arguments.

I am basically trying to implement my own version of std::function, for my own edification. I am curious how in C++ you would go about storing a function with a bunch of arbitrary parameters inside an object, and then having a method that would call the function with the passed in arguments.

I have looked at both the thread and std::function class, and both seem to be using tuples in some way to store their arguments. In a declaration of a tuple you have to specify what types you are storing in it:

std::tuple<int, std::string> tup;

How do std::function and thread get around this by storing their variadic arguments in tuples? Furthermore, how do they retrieve the function and call it with all of the arguments?


  • I am basically trying to implement my own version of std::function, for my own edification. I am curious how in C++ you would go about storing a function with a bunch of arbitrary parameters inside an object, and then having a method that would call the function with the passed in arguments.

    std::function is a beast of a class so I won't pretend that this is anywhere close to as complete. std::function uses type erasure and small object optimization but I'll use polymorphism and store a base class pointer to a semi-anonymous implementation of a function wrapper to show how it can be done. I say semi-anonymous because it actually has a name, but it's defined locally inside the function that instantiates it. Storing the pointer (or the empty state) will be done in a std::unique_ptr<funcbase>.

    The goal, as I've understood it, is to create a class with this basic interface:

    template <class R, class... Args>
    class fn_with_args<R(Args...)> {
        template <class F> fn_with_args(F&& f, Args&&... args);
        R operator()();

    That is, we need instances of fn_with_args<R(Args...)> to be able to store function pointers / functors that when invoked with the stored arguments returns R.

    #include <functional>
    #include <memory>
    #include <tuple>
    template <class> class fn_with_args; // not implemented
    template <class R, class... Args>
    class fn_with_args<R(Args...)> {
        // an abstract base for cloneable function objects with an operator()() to call
        struct funcbase {
            virtual ~funcbase() = default;
            virtual std::unique_ptr<funcbase> clone() const = 0;
            virtual R operator()() = 0;
        // create empty "fn_with_args":
        fn_with_args() noexcept = default;
        fn_with_args(std::nullptr_t) noexcept {};
        // copy ctor - if store contains a pointer to a funcbase,
        //             let it clone itself
        fn_with_args(const fn_with_args& other) :
            store( ?>clone() : nullptr) {}
        // copy assignment
        fn_with_args& operator=(const fn_with_args& other) {
            if(this != &other) *this = fn_with_args(other); // copy+move
            return *this;
        // moving can be done by default:
        fn_with_args(fn_with_args&& other) noexcept = default;
        fn_with_args& operator=(fn_with_args&& other) noexcept = default;
        // constructing and storing arguments
        template <class F>
        fn_with_args(F&& f, Args&&... args) {
            // the semi-anonymous implementation that inherits from funcbase
            // and stores both the function and the arguments:
            struct funcimpl : funcbase {
                funcimpl(F&& f, Args&&... a)
                    : func{std::forward<F>(f)}, args{std::forward<Args>(a)...} {}
                // cloning via a base class pointer:
                std::unique_ptr<funcbase> clone() const override {
                    return std::make_unique<funcimpl>(*this);
                // the operator that will call `func` with the stored arguments:
                R operator()() override { return std::apply(func, args); }
                F func;                   // the actual function/functor
                std::tuple<Args...> args; // and the stored arguments
            // create and store an instance of the above semi-anonymous class:
            store = std::make_unique<funcimpl>(std::forward<F>(f),
        // The call interface. It'll dereference `store` and then call it which
        // will call the overridden operator()() in the semi-anonymous `funcimpl`:
        R operator()() { 
            if(store) return (*store)();
            throw std::bad_function_call();
        std::unique_ptr<funcbase> store;

    Example usage:

    #include <iostream>
    double foo(int x) {
        return x * 3.14159;
    int main() {
        fn_with_args<int(double)> f1([](double d) -> int { return d; }, 3.14159);
        std::cout << f1() << '\n';
        fn_with_args<void()> f2;  // create empty
        //f2(); // would throw "bad_function_call" since it is "empty"
        // populate it
        f2 = fn_with_args<void()>([]{ std::cout << "void\n"; });
        // call regular function:
        fn_with_args<double(int)> f3(foo, 2);
        std::cout << f3() << '\n';
        // example with capture:
        int v = 123;
        f1 = fn_with_args<int(double)>([v](double d) -> int { return v * d; }, 3.14159);
        std::cout << f1() << '\n';
        // copying:
        auto f11 = f1;
        std::cout << f11() << '\n'; // calling the copy
