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Debugging (Old) Ruby Rack via VsCode

I been task to update an old ruby (2.4.10) project. The project is a simple API server written using Cuba and Rack. (Note that the project uses dep).

I'm trying to setup a working environment on my mac (using rbenv) and would like to debug the API server via VsCode. After hours of searching and testing all sort of launch.json configuration I came up empty.

I have created the most minimal representation of the project in at the following repo

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

FYI I'm a ruby newbie and would like to learn as mach as I can. So any additional information and suggestions would be greatly appreciated as well.


  • I ran a debug session with your project using the Ruby extension.

    As explained in the vscode-ruby debugger docs, first I had to install the ruby-debug-ide and the debase gems.

    Then I used the following launch.json:

      "version": "0.2.0",
      "configurations": [
          "name": "Rack",
          "type": "Ruby",
          "request": "launch",
          "program": "~/.rbenv/versions/2.4.10/bin/rackup",
          "args": []

    If there's any issue starting the session, you should be able to see error logs in the debug console panel in VSCode.