I looked at the kernel code and didn't find anything similar. Perhaps this function is not provided in openiddict. I would like to know this clearly.
Okay, after a long search, I managed to find an algorithm for selecting a certificate from several.
static int Compare(SecurityKey left, SecurityKey right) => (left, right) switch
// If the two keys refer to the same instances, return 0.
(SecurityKey first, SecurityKey second) when ReferenceEquals(first, second) => 0,
// If one of the keys is a symmetric key, prefer it to the other one.
(SymmetricSecurityKey, SymmetricSecurityKey) => 0,
(SymmetricSecurityKey, SecurityKey) => -1,
(SecurityKey, SymmetricSecurityKey) => 1,
// If one of the keys is backed by a X.509 certificate, don't prefer it if it's not valid yet.
(X509SecurityKey first, SecurityKey) when first.Certificate.NotBefore > DateTime.Now => 1,
(SecurityKey, X509SecurityKey second) when second.Certificate.NotBefore > DateTime.Now => 1,
// If the two keys are backed by a X.509 certificate, prefer the one with the furthest expiration date.
(X509SecurityKey first, X509SecurityKey second) => -first.Certificate.NotAfter.CompareTo(second.Certificate.NotAfter),
// If one of the keys is backed by a X.509 certificate, prefer the X.509 security key.
(X509SecurityKey, SecurityKey) => -1,
(SecurityKey, X509SecurityKey) => 1,
// If the two keys are not backed by a X.509 certificate, none should be preferred to the other.
(SecurityKey, SecurityKey) => 0