I'm trying to stop the following button from triggering when clicking outside of the border and only trigger the action when clicking inside the frame.
Button(action: {
model.addData(clubID: clubID, clubName: clubName, clubCreator: String(describing: uidx), membersLimit: membersLimit, streamingPlatforms: streamingPlatforms, streamingType: streamingType, teleClubGenres: teleClubGenres, date: Date.getCurrentDate(), description: description, uid: String(describing: uidx) , currentMembers: [String(describing: uidx)], selectedDate: dateformatter(date: selectedDate), mediaChosen: mediaChosen, streamingPartyLink: streamingPartyLink)
isSuccess = true
message = "Club made successfully"
clubID = 0
clubName = ""
clubCreator = ""
membersLimit = 0
streamingPlatforms = 0
streamingType = 0
teleClubGenres = []
date = ""
description = ""
uid = ""
currentMembers = [String(describing: uidx)]
selectedDateTwo = ""
mediaChosen = ""
streamingPartyLink = "https://www.teleparty.com/"
}, label: {
.padding().foregroundColor(Color.black).background(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).stroke(lineWidth: 2).background(Color.white.cornerRadius(10))).frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center)
I assume you wanted this
Button(action: {
// ... action here
}, label: {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).stroke(lineWidth: 2)
.frame(maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .center) // << here !!