I want to use the sumifs formula, but the sum interval range has text in it.
|Criteria|Sum Interval|
| A | 1 - Good |
| A | 2 - Regular|
| C | 3 - Bad |
So, I want to check the criteria field and, when met, sum the first character of the Sum Interval. I tried something like this: = sumifs( arrayformula(left(suminterval, 1)) , criteria, 'A')
In this case, the formula should return 3 (1 + 2)
This work when used alone, but when I use it as an argument, a receive a message saying that the argument must be a range.
Ps: The hole solution has to be in an only formula.
=INDEX(QUERY({A2:A, REGEXEXTRACT(B2:B, "\d+")*1}, "select sum(Col2) where Col1 = 'A'"), 2)