I'm new to programming and I am doing a Webbapp with bottle. I'm doing the request part right now but my tutor told me is quite messy. How can I improve or make @route cleaner? My code:
from bottle import run, template, route, request
from PlanetDestination import price
from database import dataInput
#Global variables will be used for other routes
formDateTime = ""
formPlanet = ""
formSeat = ""
formFood = ""
@route('/information', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def passangers():
if request.method == 'POST':
global formDateTime
global formPlanet
global formSeat
global formFood
#calling variables from Frontend
firstName = request.forms.get('firstName')
lastName = request.forms.get('lastName')
birthD = request.forms.get('birthD')
adress = request.forms.get('adress')
email = request.forms.get('email')
phone = request.forms.get('phone')
payment = request.forms.get('payment')
ticketP = price(formPlanet, formSeat)# calling the function to generate final prices
data = (firstName, lastName, birthD, adress, email, phone, payment, formDateTime,
formPlanet, formSeat, formFood, ticketP)
dataInput(data) #Sends the data to sqlite database
formDateTime = ""
formPlanet = ""
redirect ('/confirmation')
return template('templatePersonalData')
Option for cache with caveat: There is a problem here, as soon as your webserver becomes async this will not work due to race conditions. My suggestion is not cache, and instead pull from a database.
#Global variables will be used for other routes
cache = {}
@route('/information', method=['GET', 'POST'])
def passangers():
if request.method == 'POST':
global cache
form = ['firstName', 'lastName', 'birthD','address','email','phone','payment', 'formDateTime', 'formPlanet', 'formSeat', 'formFood']
#calling variables from Frontend
for f in form:
cache[f] = request.forms.get(f, '')
cache['ticketP'] = price(cache['formPlanet'], cache['formSeat'])# calling the function to generate final prices
dataInput(cache) #Sends the data to sqlite database
redirect ('/confirmation')
return template('templatePersonalData')