My goal is to increase the performance of my website by downscaling images.
When i show NetworkImages they always render the full source image resolution (e.g. 7000x4667 pixel). The widget itself mostly has a smaller size (e.g. 200x200 pixel). I have the image url and want to scale the 7000x4667 pixel image down to 200x200 before loading it in the NetworkImage widget.
What i already tried is the answer from this question:
Flutter - Resize network image
That does work in flutter for mobil but not in flutter web as the line ByteData originalByteData = await originalUiImage.toByteData();
returns null
in flutter web.
Already thank you a lot in advance for your help.
I found a solution that propably suits you . Speed is fantastic and size of the image is reduced significantly.
late Uint8List targetlUinit8List;
late Uint8List originalUnit8List;
Future<Uint8List> _resizeImage() async {
var imageUrl = Uri.parse('');
http.Response response = await http.get(imageUrl);
originalUnit8List = response.bodyBytes;
ui.Image originalUiImage = await decodeImageFromList(originalUnit8List);
ByteData? originalByteData = await originalUiImage.toByteData();
print('original image ByteData size is ${originalByteData!.lengthInBytes}');
var codec = await ui.instantiateImageCodec(originalUnit8List,
targetHeight: 200, targetWidth: 200);
var frameInfo = await codec.getNextFrame();
ui.Image targetUiImage = frameInfo.image;
ByteData? targetByteData =
await targetUiImage.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png);
print('target image ByteData size is ${targetByteData!.lengthInBytes}');
targetlUinit8List = targetByteData.buffer.asUint8List();
//remove delay function
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2));
return targetlUinit8List;
Then I have a futureBuilder for my example , but you can use anything you want :
if (snapshot.hasData) {
children = <Widget>[
const Icon(
size: 60,
padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 16),
child: Image.memory(!),
Only thing left to implement is to dispose the unused variables , and I have no idea how to do it (I am not the best at flutter). I want to know if anyone implements this with disposed variables