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Why is my WebApplicationFactory hanging for 5 minutes before timing out?

I'm trying to add some integration tests to my existing .net 6.0 project, but keep running into issues

Right now if I run the test, it hits the line await host.RunAsync(CancellationToken.None); in Program.cs and then just hangs forever and seemingly does nothing

Have I misunderstoof something? If not how can I troubleshoot this?


public /*static*/ class Program
    public static async Task Main(string[] args)
        var host = BuildWebHost(args);

        await host.InitialiseAsync(CancellationToken.None);

        await host.SeedAsync(CancellationToken.None);

        await host.RunAsync(CancellationToken.None); // hangs here


public void Test1Async()
    using (var application = new WebApplicationFactory<Program>()
        .WithWebHostBuilder(builder =>
            builder.ConfigureServices(services =>
                // set up servises
        var c = application.CreateClient(); // hangs here

It does eventually time out and give me this error

Message:  System.InvalidOperationException : Timed out waiting for the entry point to build the IHost after 00:05:00. This timeout can be modified using the 'DOTNET_HOST_FACTORY_RESOLVER_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS' environment variable.

Stack Trace:  HostingListener.CreateHost() <>c__DisplayClass10_0.b__0(String[] args) DeferredHostBuilder.Build() WebApplicationFactory1.CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder) DelegatedWebApplicationFactory.CreateHost(IHostBuilder builder) WebApplicationFactory1.ConfigureHostBuilder(IHostBuilder hostBuilder) WebApplicationFactory1.EnsureServer() WebApplicationFactory1.CreateDefaultClient(DelegatingHandler[] handlers) WebApplicationFactory1.CreateDefaultClient(Uri baseAddress, DelegatingHandler[] handlers) WebApplicationFactory1.CreateClient(WebApplicationFactoryClientOptions options) WebApplicationFactory`1.CreateClient() UnitTest1.Test1Async() line 35


  • Even though you didn't share the code for BuildWebHost() method I assume it is something like this public static IWebHostBuilder BuildWebHost(string[] args).

    If so then simply rename this method to CreateWebHostBuilder. Name of the method is important because WebApplicationFactory internally is looking for it.

    Straight from the summary on the constructor:

    /// The <see cref="WebApplicationFactory{TEntryPoint}"/> will find the entry point class of <typeparamref name="TEntryPoint"/>
    /// assembly and initialize the application by calling <c>IWebHostBuilder CreateWebHostBuilder(string [] args)</c>
    /// on <typeparamref name="TEntryPoint"/>.
