My old version of my app contained QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission but after the Google email sent to me saying that I can't use this permission in my app so I deleted it and I check if my apps still have the permission or not and I'm sure that my app does not have the permission and Google still accepting my app with QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES permission issue saying that I must not use the permission that I already deleted.
you can check if I missed anything from screenshots in the bottom
release details from google play console
permission from a device after installing the app
I also tried to add the following line to my AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES" tools:node="remove" tools:ignore="QueryAllPackagesPermission" />
As we discussed in the comments, you need to also check your "Internal Testing", "Closed Testing", and "Open Testing" release tracks. If these tracks still contain versions of the app that use this permission, you'll need to create new releases to supersede those versions.
Also, understand that you might still get a rejection email even after you've updated all release tracks. This is because the automated review might finish for one track before the others. So the review fails because it's not yet considering the new versions on your other release tracks.