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Mocking an api call in Jest with React Typescript

I'm following some documentation on mocking an api call with Jest, although trying to do it with react.tsx. I've looked at a lot of different stack Q&As and elsewhere online and am not understanding what I am missing from my test file to make my test pass. So far I'm exporting my fetchWeatherData function from my WeatherMocks.tsx:

import axios from 'axios';
export const fetchWeatherData = async () => {
  const response = await axios.get('http://mock-api-call/weather/get-weather');

and importing to my test file where I am trying to use this function to mock the data. Weather.test.tsx:

import axios from 'axios';
import { fetchWeatherData } from '../../__mocks__/WeatherMocks';
const mockedAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>;
describe('mock api calls', () => {
  afterEach(() => {
  test('return forcast Sunny', async () => {
       data: {
         result: {
           weather: {
            forcast: 'Sunny',
            max: 28,
            min: 17,
            description: 'Clear skys all day with a warm summber breaze ariving in the afternoon',

    const forecast = await fetchWeatherData();

If someone can help me get past this hurdle I would greatly appreciate it as I was told this is a really simple method.

The new testing error

 expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality
    Expected: "Sunny"
    Received: undefined
      24 |     });
      25 |     const forecast = await fetchWeatherData();
    > 26 |     expect(forecast.forcast).toEqual('Sunny');
         |                              ^
      27 |   });
      28 | });
      29 |


  • Second answer

    It is failing because in your method you are already returning the weather:

      // ...
      const forecast = await fetchWeatherData();
      const expect(forecast).toEqual('Sunny');
      // ...

    Previous answer

    What you are doing is already correct, however you are not creating the object structure which you are later accessing:

    import axios from 'axios';
    import { fetchWeatherData } from '../../__mocks__/WeatherMocks';
    const mockedAxios = axios as jest.Mocked<typeof axios>;
    describe('mock api calls', () => {
      afterEach(() => {
      test('return forcast Sunny', async () => {
          // You need to mock all the structure:
          // response -> data -> result -> weather -> forcast
          // You have only:
          // response -> data
          data: {
            result: {
              weather: {
                // Are you sure its forcast and not forecast??
                forcast: 'Sunny',
                max: 28,
                min: 17,
                description: 'Clear skys all day with a warm summber breaze ariving in the afternoon',
        const forecast = await fetchWeatherData();