i tried pyrogram.raw.functions.messages.DeleteChat
but get following trackback
pyrogram.errors.exceptions.bad_request_400.PeerIdInvalid: Telegram says: [400 PEER_ID_INVALID] - The peer id being used is invalid or not known yet. Make sure you meet the peer before interacting with it (caused by "messages.DeleteChat")
has the same problem too.
await client.invoke(UpdateNotifySettings(peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid),settings=InputPeerNotifySettings(silent=True)))
i have read this doc and i am sure that the id is correct for client.archive_chats
works well with the same id.
the id is like this 5126101582
is there any another kinds of id or my code is wrong
note: what i need is like this:
await client.invoke(DeleteHistory(max_id=0, peer=await client.resolve_peer(cid))