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Create new column based on general date time format DD/MM/YYYY , but encounter error "ValueError: bins must increase monotonically."

I have a pandas data frame column with a general date format that looks like the below. My date format is in DD/MM/YYYY.

0   11/04/2017
1   17/04/2017
2   23/04/2017
3   02/04/2017
4   30/03/2017

I would like to create a new column based on this dates column, e.g. Expected new column

0   3
1   4
2   5
3   2
4   1

I tried to use the method suggested in this post Create new column based on date column Pandas

But I am encountering an error

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [46], in <cell line: 10>()
      1 cutoff = [
      2     '24/04/2017',
      3     '18/04/2017',
      6     '31/03/2017',
      7 ]
      9 cutoff = pd.Series(cutoff).astype('datetime64')
---> 10 final_commit['phase'] = pd.cut(final_commit['dates'], cutoff, labels = [ 4, 3, 2, 1])
     11 print(final_commit.sort_values('dates'))

File ~/Library/Python/3.8/lib/python/site-packages/pandas/core/reshape/, in cut(x, bins, right, labels, retbins, precision, include_lowest, duplicates, ordered)
    288     # GH 26045: cast to float64 to avoid an overflow
    289     if (np.diff(bins.astype("float64")) < 0).any():
--> 290         raise ValueError("bins must increase monotonically.")
    292 fac, bins = _bins_to_cuts(
    293     x,
    294     bins,
    301     ordered=ordered,
    302 )
    304 return _postprocess_for_cut(fac, bins, retbins, dtype, original)

ValueError: bins must increase monotonically.

My cutoff for creating the new column is as below

'24/04/2017' -> phase 5
'18/04/2017' -> phase 4
'12/04/2017' -> phase 3
'06/04/2017' -> phase 2
'31/03/2017' -> phase 1

Code I tried

cutoff = [

cutoff = pd.Series(cutoff).astype('datetime64')
final_commit['phase'] = pd.cut(final_commit['dates'], cutoff, labels = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1])

Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you.


  • As the error suggests, you need to make sure the cutoff is monotonically increasing. You can pre sort the values using sort_values:

    cutoff = pd.to_datetime(cutoff, format='%d/%m/%Y').sort_values()
    pd.cut(final_commit['dates'], cutoff, labels=[1,2,3,4])


    final_commit = pd.DataFrame({
        'dates': pd.to_datetime(['2017-04-15',  '2017-04-03'])
    pd.cut(final_commit['dates'], cutoff, labels=[1,2,3,4])
    #0    3
    #1    1
    #Name: dates, dtype: category
    #Categories (4, int64): [1 < 2 < 3 < 4]