firstly I can get around this issue by creating multiple API controllers in my web application. However, I wondered if it is possible to do the following:
I am trying to have two PUT methods in my API controller and just attempt to call them by api//Method-name/id using POSTMAN, I cannot get a response however when using what I assume would be the route for the HTTP put request. I have done some research and I'm not sure if this is possible or if the information is too outdated but I have found some information linking to a need of adding some routing code to my web application config? But I don't know the correct way to put this in the startup.cs file as there do not seem to be methods for Mapping HTTP routes?
Below is my code: Please note I'm not sure what other detail to add other than the controller and the POSTMAN url im trying (https://MY.I.P:44388/api/Data/Reject/1143) please let me know if I require more.
public class DataController : ControllerBase
// PUT api/<DataController>/Accept
public void Accept(int id)
using (RecoDBEntities Entities = new RecoDBEntities())
List<recovery_jobs> entity = new List<recovery_jobs>();
entity = Entities.recovery_jobs.Where(e => e.DOCKETNO.ToString().Trim() == id.ToString().Trim()).ToList();
recovery_jobs job = entity[0];
catch (System.Exception)
// PUT api/<DataController>/Reject
public void Reject(int id)
using (RecoDBEntities Entities = new RecoDBEntities())
List<recovery_jobs> entity = new List<recovery_jobs>();
entity = Entities.recovery_jobs.Where(e => e.DOCKETNO.ToString().Trim() == id.ToString().Trim()).ToList();
recovery_jobs job = entity[0];
catch (System.Exception)
// DELETE api/<DataController>/5
public void Delete(int id)
The error I receive in POSTMAN is a 404
Moving comment to answer:
Not by method name alone but you can do it by the route parameter. E.g.
Also, as mentioned by Dan, you should still use the HttpPut attribute along with this.