Vows has a run() method that runs the test under node, without using the vows
At https://github.com/cloudhead/vows/blob/master/lib/vows/suite.js we can see that this method takes an option parameter which allows to specify a reporter other than the default:
this.run = function (options, callback) {
var that = this, start;
options = options || {};
for (var k in options) { this.options[k] = options[k] }
this.matcher = this.options.matcher || this.matcher;
this.reporter = this.options.reporter || this.reporter;
What value is supposed to be passed in the options object to select a different reporter, for instance the spec
var spec = require("vows/lib/vows/reporters/spec");
// ...
vows.describe("My Tests").addBatch({ /* some batch */ }).run({reporter:spec});
This was the simplest way that worked for me.