I have this app where there is a Games table and a Players table, and they share an n:n
This association is mapped in Phoenix through a GamesPlayers schema.
What I'm wondering how to do is actually quite simple: I'd like there to be an adjustable limit of how many players are allowed per game.
If you need more details, carry on reading, but if you already know an answer feel free to skip the rest!
I've taken a look at adding check constraints, but without much success. Here's what the check constraint would have to look something like:
create constraint("games_players", :limit_players, check: "count(players) <= player_limit")
Problem here is, the check syntax is very much invalid and I don't think there actually is a valid way to achieve this using this call.
I've also looked into adding a trigger to the Postgres database directly in order to enforce this (something very similar to what this answer proposes), but I am very wary of directly fiddling with the DB since I should only be using ecto's interface.
For the purposes of this question, let's assume this is what the tables look like:
Property | Type |
id | integer |
player_limit | integer |
Property | Type |
id | integer |
Property | Type |
game_id | references(Games) |
player_id | references(Players) |
As I mentioned in my comment, I think the cleanest way to enforce this is via business logic inside the code, not via a database constraint. I would approach this using a database transaction, which Ecto
supports via Ecto.Repo.transaction/2
. This will prevent any race conditions.
In this case I would do something like the following:
In code, this would boil down to something like this (untested):
import Ecto.Query
alias MyApp.Repo
alias MyApp.GamesPlayers
@max_allowed_players 10
def add_player_to_game(player_id, game_id, opts \\ []) do
max_allowed_players = Keyword.get(opts, :max_allowed_players, @max_allowed_players)
case is_game_full?(game_id, max_allowed_players) do
false -> %GamesPlayers{
game_id: game_id,
player_id: player_id
|> Repo.insert!()
# Raising an error causes the transaction to fail
true -> raise "Game #{inspect(game_id)} full; cannot add player #{inspect(player_id)}"
defp is_game_full?(game_id, max_allowed_players) do
current_players = from(r in GamesPlayers,
where: r.game_id == game_id,
select: count(r.id)
|> Repo.one()
current_players >= max_allowed_players