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Similarity measures for WordNet in Prolog

I would like to be able to check if two words are similar (using the path similarity) in WordNet with Prolog.

I found on the internet this article doing exactly what I want.

I'll paste here the steps needed to let this work:

  1. Download WordNet 3.0 Prolog version from and unzip it in a directory of your choice. For example: c:\wn_prologDB

  2. Set the environment variable WNDB to this newly created directory.
    For example, use either the system dialog box in Control Panel (Environment Variables), or write in a Command Prompt (cmd.exe): set WNDB=c:\wn_prologDB

  3. Download the modules of WN_CONNECT from and unzip it in a directory of your choice. For example: c:\wn

  4. Add to the PATH environment variable the directory where this tool is located (similar to step 2 above): set PATH=c:\wn;%PATH%

  5. Open a terminal and execute the shell script:

I followed those steps, and run wn.bat (since I'm using windows).

enter image description here

As you can see from the picture, the wn_word_info predicate is working, while I cannot understand why wn_path is not working.

Here is the signature:

wn_path(+Word1, +Word2, -Degree)

Any tips on how I could get it to work? Or any solution to calculate path similarity?


  • The signature was a bit different:

    wn_path(+Word1:SS_type1:W1_Sense_num, +Word2:SS_type2:W2_Sense_num, -Degree)

    So this actually works:

    wn_path(cat:A:B, dog:C:D, E).

    Here I'm specifying only the word and the other parameters are variables, but one can specify all three the parameters.

    I paste here some of the docs I found in the WN_CONNECT folder:

    ** wn_path(+Word1:SS_type1:W1_Sense_num, +Word2:SS_type2:W2_Sense_num, -Degree): This predicate implements the PATH similarity measure. Takes two concepts (terms -- Word:SS_type:Sense_num) and returns the degree of similarity between them. Note that we do not explicitly require information about the synset type and sense number of a word (that can be variables).