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Retrieving Company Name from Web Search using Ticker

I have a list of 3000+ tickers for which I would like to get their respective company names. I couldn't find these names using the Bloomberg database.

I manually checked on Google for few of them and found that the first web page in google search that gives the company's name when I enter the US-based tickers is that of Bloomberg. For example, when I searched for "0000284D US Equity", the first page is For non-US based tickers such as "010520 KS Equity", the first page that shows the company's name could be something else.

I checked posts like this one - Finding company name from a ticker in Bloomberg - but couldn't find the relevant solution.

Is there any R package that can help in fetching the company name from web search using the ticker? Please suggest. Thanks.


  • I couldn't find a package in R but could find a package in python that can help. We can pass the tickers in a list and then print their long names as below.

    pip install yfinance
    import yfinance as yfin
    x = yfin.Ticker("AAPL")