I want to wait until pyscript has fully loaded all packages and after that alter an element on the DOM.
I tried using window.addEventListener('load', create_proxy(func))
in pyscript. But to no avail, it does not execute the function. I also tried adding the event listener 'change'
to the element that is being modified by pyscript. The element is used for inserting a table using the panel
package. After the table is inserted I'd like to remove another element on the page.
Any help appreciated
The basic way is to use pyscript.write().
<title>Pyscript - Test</title>
<!-- Load required PyScript packages -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://pyscript.net/alpha/pyscript.css" />
<script defer src="https://pyscript.net/alpha/pyscript.js"onerror=scriptLoadFailure('pyscr ipt.js')></script>
- pandas
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
import pandas as pd
def do_it():
df = pd.DataFrame([[12, 14, 10, 11, 1], [22, 24, 20, 21, 0]])
pyscript.write('output', df)
pyscript.write('msg', 'That should be it')
<header id="header_top">Pyscript - Test</header>
<div id="main1">
<div id="output">
Testing div with id="output"
<div id="msg"></div>
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -->
While loading the content of the paage is
Pyscript - Test
Testing div with id="output"
After loading has finished there is a pandas df in the output div and additional text in a separate div with id="msg"
"That should be it" Regards...