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Remove subarray using pointer arithmetic

I need to make a function for removing subarray using pointer arithmetic in C. Function should return number of removed elements. Auxiliary arrays are not allowed.

#include <stdio.h>
int remove_subarray(int * first_start, int * first_end,const int * second_start,const int * second_end) {
  int size_of_second = second_end-second_start;
  int *subarray_start, *last = first_end - 1;
  const int *pok = second_start,*second_start_copy = second_start;
  int number_of_the_same = 0;
  while (first_start != first_end) {
    if ( * first_start == * second_start) {
      if (number_of_the_same == 0)
       subarray_start = first_start;
      if (number_of_the_same == size_of_second) {
        first_start = subarray_start;
        while (1) {
          if ( *first_start == *last)
          subarray_start = first_start;
          subarray_start += size_of_second;
          *first_start = *subarray_start;
    } else {
      number_of_the_same = 0;
      second_start = second_start_copy;
  return size_of_second;
int main() {
  // This gives correct result
  int niz1[14] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1},i;
  int niz2[4] = {2, 3, 4, 5};
  int k1 = remove_subarray(niz1, niz1 + 14, niz2, niz2 + 4);
  for (i = 0; i < 14 - k1; ++i)
    printf("%i ", niz1[i]);
  // This gives wrong result
  int niz3[10] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 10};
  int niz4[3] = {1, 2, 3};
  int k2 = remove_subarray(niz3, niz3 + 10, niz4, niz4 + 3);
  for (i = 0; i < 10 - k2; i++) printf("%d ", niz3[i]);
  return 0;

My algorithm is the following:

  • if elements match, save position to pointer start
  • if number_of_the_same (elements) is equal to number of elements in second array (n) that means subarray is found
  • if subarray is found, I set all elements to be equal to the elements that are n positions forward them

In the main function I tried with two set of arrays (niz1 and niz2) and for the first set it worked correct. However it didn't work correct for second set of arrays (niz3 and niz4).

Could you help me to fix my code?


  • The provided code is very hard to read and so is also hard to test. At least for me. May be the author could have used more meaningful names.

    I think that the bug in the original code is that, after finding the first number of the sub_array, if the search fails the program must not advance the pointer of the array, because the current value pointed to can be the real start of the sequence and the previous just a false positive. See the pair 1,1 in the second supplied set

    I will let an example with 2 options that may help.

    A TL;DR section is now at the end with a shorter example

    The method in the example

    The idea is that

    • you have an array and if it contains a certain sub_array you need to do something with the sub_array. Like a predicate function in other languages.
    • the arguments are open-ended segments like the iterators in C++ STL: first argument points to first element, second argument points past the end of the array
    • two functions are in the code
      • remove_subarray() that moves the entire sub_array to the end of the array
      • mark_subarray() that replaces all sub_array values by INT_MAX

    Making things easier: a few helper functions

    int show_array(const int*, const int*, const char*);

    This function has 5 lines: just write down the array with an optional title like here

        char buffer[80] = {0};
        sprintf(buffer, "%d elements moved. Resulting array:", res);
        show_array(array, array + sz_arr, buffer);

    or here

        show_array(array, array + sz_arr, "Base array:");

    sample output:

    3 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2  4  10  5  6  1  1  2  3  ]


                  Base array:    [  1  1  2  3  5  6  1  2  4  10  ]

    int* find_sub_array(const int*, const int*, const int*, const int*);

    returns NULL if the sub_array is not found in the array, or the address of the sub_array.

    This type of things are easily expressed by a FSM, a state machine. Here we need a minimalist set of 2 states:

    • one before find the possible start of a sub_array
    • one to search for the rest of the sub_array

    A possible implementation

    int* find_sub_array(
        const int* arr_start, const int* arr_end,
        const int* sa_start, const int* sa_end)
        char st    = 0;
        int* pA    = (int*)arr_start;
        int* pSA   = (int*)sa_start;
        int* sa_ix = 0;  // address of the sub_array in array
        while (1)
            switch (st)
                case 0:
                    if (*pA == *pSA)
                        st    = 1;
                        sa_ix = pA;         // found 1st
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both pointers up
                    pA += 1;  // array pointer only
                case 1:
                    if (*pA != *pSA)
                        pSA = (int*)sa_start;  // reset
                        st  = 0;               // back to search
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both goup
                    if (pSA == sa_end) return sa_ix;
            };  // end switch()
            if (pA >= arr_end) return NULL;
        return NULL;


    Using these functions one can write remove_subarray() in a compact way

    int remove_subarray(
        int* first_start, int* first_end,
        const int* second_start, const int* second_end)
        int* pos = find_sub_array(
            first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end);
        if (pos == NULL) return 0;
        int sz_sub_arr = (int)(second_end - second_start);
        for (int ix = 0; ix < sz_sub_arr; ix += 1)
            *pos++ = INT_MAX;  // set all elements to INT_MAX
        return sz_sub_arr;

    Testing multiple versions

    The version above changes sub_array values. Another one in the example code moves the sub_array to the end. It is just an example anyway.

    void test_with(
        int array[], int, int sub_arr[], int sz_sub_arr,
        int (*)(int*, int*, const int*, const int*));

    This one accepts the name of the function to apply to the parameters, like a for_each() in C++ or java. It is used in the example like this:

        printf("\nUsing 1st provided set\n");
        int niz3[10] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 10};
        int niz4[3]  = {1, 2, 3};
        test_with(niz3, 10, niz4, 3, remove_subarray);
        int niz1[14] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
                        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1};
        int niz2[4]  = {2, 3, 4, 5};
        printf( "\
    \nUsing 2nd provided set + function to set sub_array elements to "
            niz1, sizeof(niz1) / sizeof(niz1[0]), niz2,
            sizeof(niz2) / sizeof(niz2[0]), mark_subarray);

    output for the example code

    total of 4 basic tests
    Test 1 of 4:
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  1  2  3  ]
    3 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  14  15  16  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  1  2  3  ]
    Test 2 of 4:
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  1  2  4  ]
    0 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
    Test 3 of 4:
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  14  15  16  ]
    [nothing to move: subarray found already at the end]
    0 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
    Test 4 of 4:
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13  14  15  16  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  13  14  15  ]
    3 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  16  13  14  15  ]
    Using 1st provided set
                  Base array:    [  1  1  2  3  5  6  1  2  4  10  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  1  2  3  ]
    3 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2  4  10  5  6  1  1  2  3  ]
    Using 2nd provided set + function to set sub_array elements to INT_MAX
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  0  1  2  3  4  5  -1  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  2  3  4  5  ]
    4 elements moved. Resulting array:    [  1  2147483647  2147483647  2147483647  2147483647  6  7  0  1  2  3  4  5  -1  ]

    Example code

    #include <limits.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int* find_sub_array(
        const int*, const int*, const int*, const int*);
    int  mark_subarray(int*, int*, const int*, const int*);
    int  remove_subarray(int*, int*, const int*, const int*);
    int  set_array(int*, size_t);
    int  shift_array(int*, int*, int);
    int  show_array(const int*, const int*, const char*);
    void test_with(
        int array[], int, int sub_arr[], int sz_sub_arr,
        int (*)(int*, int*, const int*, const int*));
    int main(void)
        int array[16]    = {0};
        int sz_arr       = sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]);
        int sub_arr[][3] = {
            {1, 2, 3}, {1, 2, 4}, {14, 15, 16}, {13, 14, 15}};
        const int sz_sub_arr =
            sizeof(sub_arr[0]) / sizeof(sub_arr[0][0]);
        const n_of_tests = sizeof(sub_arr) / sizeof(sub_arr[0]);
        printf("total of %d basic tests\n", n_of_tests);
        for (int tst = 0; tst < n_of_tests; tst += 1)
            printf("\nTest %d of %d:\n", 1 + tst, n_of_tests);
            set_array(array, sz_arr);
                array, sz_arr, sub_arr[tst], sz_sub_arr,
        printf("\nUsing 1st provided set\n");
        int niz3[10] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 10};
        int niz4[3]  = {1, 2, 3};
        test_with(niz3, 10, niz4, 3, remove_subarray);
        int niz1[14] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
                        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1};
        int niz2[4]  = {2, 3, 4, 5};
    \nUsing 2nd provided set + function to set sub_array elements to "
            niz1, sizeof(niz1) / sizeof(niz1[0]), niz2,
            sizeof(niz2) / sizeof(niz2[0]), mark_subarray);
        return 0;
    int* find_sub_array(
        const int* arr_start, const int* arr_end,
        const int* sa_start, const int* sa_end)
        char st    = 0;
        int* pA    = (int*)arr_start;
        int* pSA   = (int*)sa_start;
        int* sa_ix = 0;  // address of the sub_array in array
        while (1)
            switch (st)
                case 0:
                    if (*pA == *pSA)
                        st    = 1;
                        sa_ix = pA;         // found 1st
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both pointers up
                    pA += 1;  // array pointer only
                case 1:
                    if (*pA != *pSA)
                        pSA = (int*)sa_start;  // reset
                        st  = 0;               // back to search
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both goup
                    if (pSA == sa_end) return sa_ix;
            };  // end switch()
            if (pA >= arr_end) return NULL;
        return NULL;
    int mark_subarray(
        int* first_start, int* first_end,
        const int* second_start, const int* second_end)
        int* pos = find_sub_array(
            first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end);
        if (pos == NULL) return 0;
        int sz_sub_arr = (int)(second_end - second_start);
        for (int ix = 0; ix < sz_sub_arr; ix += 1)
            *pos++ = INT_MAX;  // set all elements to INT_MAX
        return sz_sub_arr;
    int remove_subarray(
        int* first_start, int* first_end,
        const int* second_start, const int* second_end)
        int* pos = find_sub_array(
            first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end);
        if (pos == NULL) return 0;
        int sz_sub_arr = (int)(second_end - second_start);
        if ((first_end - pos - sz_sub_arr) == 0)
        {  // sub_array found but already at the end
                "[nothing to move: subarray found already at "
                "the end]\n");
            return 0;
        return shift_array(pos, first_end - 1, sz_sub_arr);
    int set_array(int* v, size_t len)
    {  // set the array from 1 to len
        for (int i = 0; i < len; v[i] = 1 + i, i += 1)
        return 0;
    int shift_array(int* src, int* last, int len)
    {  // shift sub_array to the end od the array
        int* l = src + len - 1;
        int* r = last;
        for (int x = 0; x < len; x += 1, --r, --l)
            int temp = *r;
            *r       = *l;
            *l       = temp;
        return (int)len;
    int show_array(
        const int* vct, const int* past_end, const char* msg)
        if (msg != NULL) printf("%25s", msg);
        printf("    [");
        for (const int* p = vct; p != past_end; p += 1)
            printf("  %d", *p);
        printf("  ]\n");
        return 0;
    void test_with(
        int array[], int sz_arr, int sub_arr[], int sz_sub_arr,
        int (*f)(int*, int*, const int*, const int*))
        show_array(array, array + sz_arr, "Base array:");
            sub_arr, sub_arr + sz_sub_arr, " Sub_array:");
        int res = (*f)(
            array, array + sz_arr, sub_arr,
            sub_arr + sz_sub_arr);
        char buffer[80] = {0};
            buffer, "%d elements moved. Resulting array:", res);
        show_array(array, array + sz_arr, buffer);


    The second example has just code for the original test cases and find_array()

    Example 2

    #include <limits.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int* find_sub_array(
        const int*, const int*, const int*, const int*);
    int  remove_subarray(int*, int*, const int*, const int*);
    int  show_array(const int*, const int*, const char*);
    int main(void)
        int niz1[14] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
                        0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1};
        int niz2[4]  = {2, 3, 4, 5};
        printf("\nUsing 1st provided set\n");
            niz1, niz1 + sizeof(niz1) / sizeof(niz1[0]),
            "Base array:");
            niz2, niz2 + sizeof(niz2) / sizeof(niz2[0]),
            " Sub_array:");
        int res = remove_subarray(
            niz1, niz1 + sizeof(niz1) / sizeof(niz1[0]), 
            niz2, niz2 + sizeof(niz2) / sizeof(niz2[0]));
        char buffer[80] = {0};
            buffer, "%d elements moved. Resulting array:", res);
            niz1, niz1 + sizeof(niz1) / sizeof(niz1[0]),
            "Resulting array:");
        printf("\nUsing 2nd provided set\n");
        int niz3[10] = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 1, 2, 4, 10};
        int niz4[3]  = {1, 2, 3};
        show_array(niz3,niz3 + sizeof(niz3) / sizeof(niz3[0]),
            "Base array:");
            niz4,niz4 + sizeof(niz4) / sizeof(niz4[0]),
            " Sub_array:");
        res = remove_subarray(
           niz3,niz3 + sizeof(niz3) / sizeof(niz3[0]),
            niz4,niz4 + sizeof(niz4) / sizeof(niz4[0]));
            buffer, "%d elements moved. Resulting array:", res);
            niz3, niz3 + sizeof(niz3) / sizeof(niz3[0]),
            "Resulting array:");
        return 0;
    int* find_sub_array(
        const int* arr_start, const int* arr_end,
        const int* sa_start, const int* sa_end)
        char st    = 0;
        int* pA    = (int*)arr_start;
        int* pSA   = (int*)sa_start;
        int* sa_ix = 0;  // address of the sub_array in array
        while (1)
            switch (st)
                case 0:
                    if (*pA == *pSA)
                        st    = 1;
                        sa_ix = pA;         // found 1st
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both pointers up
                    pA += 1;  // array pointer only
                case 1:
                    if (*pA != *pSA)
                        pSA = (int*)sa_start;  // reset
                        st  = 0;               // back to search
                        pSA += 1, pA += 1;  // both goup
                    if (pSA == sa_end) return sa_ix;
            };  // end switch()
            if (pA >= arr_end) return NULL;
        return NULL;
    int remove_subarray(
        int* first_start, int* first_end,
        const int* second_start, const int* second_end)
        int* pos = find_sub_array(
            first_start, first_end, second_start, second_end);
        if (pos == NULL) return 0;
        int sz_sub_arr = (int)(second_end - second_start);
        for (int ix = 0; ix < sz_sub_arr; ix += 1)
            *pos++ = INT_MAX;  // set all elements to INT_MAX
        return sz_sub_arr;
    int show_array(
        const int* vct, const int* past_end, const char* msg)
        if (msg != NULL) printf("%25s", msg);
        printf("    [");
        for (const int* p = vct; p != past_end; p += 1)
            printf("  %d", *p);
        printf("  ]\n");
        return 0;


    Using 1st provided set
                  Base array:    [  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  0  1  2  3  4  5  -1  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  2  3  4  5  ]
             Resulting array:    [  1  2147483647  2147483647  2147483647  2147483647  6  7  0  1  2  3  4  5  -1  ]
    Using 2nd provided set
                  Base array:    [  1  1  2  3  5  6  1  2  4  10  ]
                   Sub_array:    [  1  2  3  ]
             Resulting array:    [  1  2147483647  2147483647  2147483647  5  6  1  2  4  10  ]