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JQuery randomly check checkboxes in a column of datatable in a html page

I have a datatable with a column of checkboxes. Upon pressing a button a code needs to identify how many unchecked checkboxes are there and then randomly tick them based on the requirement (from a textbox by name quantity).

What I have tried is using the code below:

$(document).ready(function() {
        var checkboxes = $("input.selectQuestion:checkbox").length;
        var must_check = 2; //supposed to come from input box by name quantity
    while ($("input.selectQuestion:checkbox:checked").length < must_check) {
                // Pick random checkbox
                var random_checkbox = Math.floor(Math.random() * checkboxes) + 1;
                // Check it
                $("input.selectQuestion:checkbox:nth-child("+random_checkbox+")").prop("checked", true);

But unfortunately its not working as expected (checkboxes are not checked upon clicking the btnRand). Could someone help to fix this?

Here is the jsfiddle:


  • Your table wire-up was throwing a Script error.

    $(document).ready( function() {
      var table = $('#example').DataTable({

    which were preventing the


    from running also the while loop seems to get stuck in an infinite loop and the


    seemed to reference the wrong thing, probably because it was a js fiddle example. Rather than use the datatable to add the class select question dynamically, why not put it on the check box's in the HTML, I decided to simplify it, so I tripped it back and thew something together:

    As there are only 3 rows it may seam like its not random but it is, just occashonly keeps picking the same random item(s) a few times in a row

    I hope this help