Using mockito
group("VgnItmFormEvents", () {
setUp(() {
mockStore = MockManageVgnItmStore();
when(mockStore.formType).thenReturn(const Edit());// if I leave this line out I get missing stub error
This test fails:
test('OnNameChanged', () async {
mockStore.formType = Add(name: 'add');
expect(mockStore.formType, Add(name: 'add'));
The line with the code comment is the culprit, but without it, I get a missing stub error. How do I make the mock have mockStore.formType
as a settable field that I can check what it was set to?
This is the actual field on the real object:
FormType get formType => stateNotifiersVm.formType;
set formType(FormType formType) =>
This is the stateNotifiersVm:
FormType get formType => _formType;
set formType(FormType formType) => formTypeStateNotifier.setState(formType);
You can verify
if a setter was called with a specific value without having to call the getter (and thus hitting the missing stub error):
import 'cat.mocks.dart';
class Cat {
int _formType = 0;
int get formType => _formType;
set formType(int ft) => _formType = ft;
void main() {
final cat = MockCat();
test('can set formType', () {
cat.formType = 8;
verify(cat.formType = 8);
Is this what you were looking for? Sadly mockito does not have a way to call the "real" method underneath as far as i know.